Many people today are "seeking truth" We hear the word "pluralism" used in connection with this subject. Plural means many and ism means theory. Pluralism is the study of "many truths." In the realm of theology and faith we are told there are many paths to God. We treat belief in God like going to a food bar. Just pick out what you like. The problem with pluralism is its claim is totally impossible. In the scientific world there are not many laws of gravity or photosynthesis. There are certain fixed truths that are not up for debate. In theology it is no different. Jesus in the Bible stated "I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father but by me." In other words, Jesus is claiming He is the only path to a relationship with God. There are three possible conclusions to be drawn from this statement of Jesus, first, Jesus was a liar, therefore his claims are bogus, second, he was delusional and out of His mind, or He truly was the Son of God in human flesh. Only one of these statements can be true. That is the fallacy of pluralism.

There can only be one ultimate truth in any proposition. In other words if "everything" is true, than "nothing can be true"! For the Christian believer, their source of truth is the Bible. The Bible claims over 3000 times to be the "Word of God." Therefore the Bible either is lying and cannot be trusted, or the writers of Scripture were delusional, or the Bible is what it claims to be and must be obeyed. The Bible cannot be both "true" and "not true." As they say in the vernacular, "Take your pick and take your chances!"

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