"Uniting Christian & Jewish Clergy from Around the World"
Wrestling fans remember a pro wrestler back in the 80's named 'Randy Macho Man Savage. He wore flamboyant outfits, outrageous sunglasses and spoke with a gravely voice. His favorite saying was, "Oh Yeahhh!!!" He was named by the WWE as the greatest champion wrestling has ever seen. He held twenty world titles and scores of lessor honors.
Randall Mario Poffo was Savage's real name. It was obvious he could not be a fearsome warrior with a name like that so a fellow wrestler told him to change his name to Randy Savage. Randy latter added 'Macho' to enchance his image. When Savage entered into the ring his opponent understood that this dude was all man and was not taking any prisoners.
Real men are supposed to be 'Macho'. Wimps need not apply. Macho men are rough, tough and hard to diapper! No one pushes them around. Macho men order people around. They love to sense the fear others have of them. Its all about power and control. Macho men drink beer, drive motor cycles, belch and scratch themselves in public and of course love football, wrestling and fire arms.
Should Macho-ism be the model for entrance into manhood? Is it the responsibility of a father to mold his son into a muscle bound goon? Can Macho-ism be defined by other traits not tied to testosterone? There was a man in the Bible who had a name that actually described his mission in life. John The Baptist was a man's man. He was the forerunner of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus the Messiah's birth was foretold by the prophet Isaiah so was John's. "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, Make His paths straight"(Isaiah 40:3).
John the Baptist looked like a macho man. He was hairy and earthy and wore animal skins and ate locus and honey. His message was simple. "Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins". John was a straight shooter. He told tax collectors not to rip off the citizens to line their pockets. He urged soldiers not to bully people or falsely accuse them of crimes. He stood before a powerful king who was sleeping with his brothers wife and called out his sin to his face and ended up loosing his head for it.
John the Baptist had the privilede to baptize Jesus the one who he preached would come and whose shoe laces he was not worthy to tie. Jesus said of John the Baptist that there was no greater man among men than him. What a statement. Jesus was telling us that if you want to be a 'real macho man' follow the example of John the Baptist.
Real men are bold in standing for truth. Real men are humble. Real men are willing to die for a cause greater than themselves. Real men are servants. One of the number reasons for the disintegration of the home is abusive and absent fathers and husbands. Demanding your wife and children to obey you because you are the 'man' of the house is cowardly and totally anathema to the Bibles description of what a real man is.
Randy Macho Man Savage was a wrestling icon. He was entertaining and a gifted athlete. But in no way is his portrayal of Macho-ism the example for a Christian man to emulate. John The Baptist would be a far better choice!
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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.
We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.
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