During the first half of the twentieth century words like radical, fanatic, fundamentalist were terms of endearment. A radical was the person who stood against abuse by the establishment. A fanatic was an exuberant advocate for a principle or cause. A fundamentalist was anyone that took a literal view of established truths. These words were metaphors for tenacity in believing in something bigger than yourself. These words inspired individuals to have high ideals and live a productive and proactive life.

In the twenty-first century these words evoke negative reactions. Societies embracing of relativism and pluralism dismisses the idea that absolute truth exists. Relativism lives in the world of the subjective not objective. In other words your perceived truth is your truth. Pluralism offers a smorgasbord of ideas and truths to choose from. Every selection from the table is equal. No one particular truth dominates or is exclusive.

The result is that anyone who claims beliefs based on fundamental ideas or absolute truth is labeled a radical-fanatical-fundamentalist who should be avoided and maybe even eliminated.

This explains the attacks on Christianity in particular. In the beginning of the twentieth century if you were called a Fundamentalist Christian it was a badge of honor. Today it is a put down. A radical-fanatical-fundamentalist Christian is caterogized as a unstable, uneducated, bigoted Bible thump-er. How dare these brazen believers take the Bible literally! How dare they take Jesus command to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" seriously! How dare they dismiss other religions! How dare they take the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount as absolute moral laws to live by!

Today you can be religious and no one will bother you. In fact they will think highly of you. But take the Bible literally and promote the idea that Jesus Christ is the 'only' way to Salvation and Heaven and you are looked upon with disdain and disgust. At one time radical-fanatical- fundamentalist Christianity meant you were a trustworthy, loyal, law abiding citizen.

Jesus told His disciples that they would suffer persecution for associating with Him and embracing His commandments. Radical-fanatical-fundamentalist Christian, don't be offended because you are mistreated and abused by society. Wear that label as a badge of honor. God's absolute truth will ultimately win out over relativism, pluralism and political correctness!

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