This is Monday morning October 18, 2010. We are just weeks away from what many see as the most important election in recent times. When I listen to people talk especially Christians I have pause for concern. Let me say that I am all for Christians getting involved with politics and working towards getting legislation passed that supports the Constitution and Christian values. However, I am disturbed when Christians buy into the mentality that their life will be ruined if certain politicians get elected. I must admit I was disappointed when Obama was elected, not because he is black or even a Democrat. I knew that his agenda would be radically left of center. I love America and believe that conservatism better serves our country.

Why do so many Christians pin their hopes and dreams too the White House instead of the Church House! It bothers me when I hear Christians bash the church and talk about all of it's faults. They seemingly have more faith in politicians than preachers. That proves how little these people know about the founding of our nation. It was preachers that help draft the Constitution, Declaration of Independence , Bill of Rights etc... Preachers were the policy makers and educators. Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, William and Mary were all founded to train ministers. The original charter of Harvard stated that the chief goal in learning was to 'know God and Jesus Christ.'

I have a strong conviction it is time Christians put more energy into the Church and less into politics. I know that may be an unpopular stand considering the energy the Tea Party has generated among Evangelicals. But may I remind you that Christ gave Himself and died for the Church. Jesus told us that, "the gates of Hell would not prevail against the Church." Now I know the Church is not the building but the people. But God is a God of order. I believe He commissioned believers to gather together and organize a local assembly where He is worshiped and the Gospel is proclaimed. I have been a part of the local church for almost fifty years. I have seen people at their worst but I also have rubbed shoulders with some of the greatest servants God. I have chosen to invest my life into making the Church all that God wants it to be. I know I am old fashioned but I am convinced the Church is still the primary organization God will use to keep our nation from destroying itself.

The Psalmist said, "My hope is in the Lord". No matter what the politicians and intellectually elite decide to do I will continue to trust in God and work to advance His agenda. The Church with all it's flaws is still the best institution around to reverse our nations downward spiral. When I take an honest look and compare the contributions of the White House and the Church House in making society better, 'My money is still on the Church'!

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