When I was saved at the age of ten in 1963 my thirst for truth began. The Holy Spirit quickened my heart and mind to dive into God's Word and discover it's life changing doctrines. I surrendered to preach at age fourteen, graduated from Bible College at age twenty-three and pastored my first church. My search for doctrinal rightism (my term) drove me to what the book Pilgrim's Progress describes as the "slough of despond". I quickly realized that my quest was not possible nor commanded by God.

You see the Christian life is not about always being right. I know that sounds heretical to some. Mark Lowery who is a Christian singing artist and comedian was raised in a Fundamentalist Baptist church. He said in one of his comedy skits, "My pastor was not always right, but he was never in doubt!" I spent many years beating my head against the wall seeking to be doctrinally correct on all subjects. Boy was I naive! What I discovered was NO Christian is 100% correct in interpreting the Bible. That would lead to pride.

The beautiful thing about this forum is the diversity of denominations and independents represented. We have Baptists, Pentecostals, Church of Christ, Seventh Day Adventist, Catholics etc. Which one of these groups has all of its spiritual ducks in a row with complete perfection. Nada one! Each group has strengths and blind spots. The Baptist's emphasize eternal security while the Pentecostals teach the importance of the Spiritual Gifts. The Church of Christ believes that baptism is essential to salvation while the Adventists talk about Saturday as the official day of worship. The Catholics believe the Church has one central Spiritual leader with authority over the world wide body of believers while Protestants teach the priesthood of the believer.

Who is right? The real question should be, Is doctrinal rightism possible and commanded by God? I have found no Biblical basis for doctrinal rightism. Paul did tell Timothy to "rightly divide the word" but that instruction spoke to method more than content. Paul was telling the young pastor to practice due diligence when handling the Word of God. What unites the A.O.C.I. is the essential fundamental doctrines of the Church. The Virgin conception, the inerrant Scriptures, salvation by faith, the resurrection of Christ, the Godhead made up of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit etc.

God revealed this liberating truth to me twenty years ago. I realized my goal as a Christian was not about always being right. My real purpose was living out the revelation God gave me in a non-judgemental manner. That is called working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Today I freely fellowship with believers from all denominational stripes because my relationship is founded on essentials and not secondary teachings. The sad truth is many in the Body of Christ today like myself years ago are caught in the vortex of rightism. This deceptive yet alluring concept will eventually lead to frustration and alienation by those who practice it. The greater damage is the Church will be weakened in its efforts to unite and defeat Satan for the souls of men in the last days.

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Comment by Michael Shanlian Ph.D. on May 24, 2010 at 7:56pm
Amen! This is the elephant in the room. Praise God that A.O.C.I. is leading the charge in uniting God's servants throughout the world. I am looking forward to hearing the testimonies of other members that have similar experiences.
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on May 24, 2010 at 7:26pm
Well my brother, I wish we could all (as clergy men and women) have this same attitude. We should know that Christ has MANY members in His body and that all members have diverse gifts and take upon many possitions. Unity is essential not just for the clergy, but also for our churches, our families, our friends and loved ones....so LOVE conquers all things. Though it is healthy to have theological differences we should maintain respect and love for one another and most of all major in the majors and minor in the minors. Even Jesus said that the Pharisees should have paid attention to the "weightier matters of the law"

You are right Dr. Shanlain, AND I AM THE SMALLEST FISH OF THEM ALL!!!!
Comment by Michael Shanlian Ph.D. on May 24, 2010 at 6:30pm
Dr. Henry,
I can relate to this brother. I also had "denominational pride" when I was young even though I was an Independent Baptist and did not believe denominations were of God. When I was a pastor in my twenties and early thirties I did not know what I did not know because my theological world view was small and I was a big fish in a small ocean. Today my intellectual universe is larger but now I realize that I am just a small fish in a huge theological ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on May 24, 2010 at 5:45pm
Your welcome Dr. Shanlin. Your right, I even told him that the very thing that he thought was "the whole counsel of God" (meaning tongues) was the very thing that was being ABUSED IN CORINTH"!!! LOL.. I told him that this was the most abused out of them all!!! LOL...needless to say, he will remain ignorant, divisive, and prideful because of his "denominational pride". I have seen this many times, particulary in pentecostal circles. Finally, what was even more problematic to me was his theological fallacy and infancy when it came to first demonstrating the "fruit of the Spirit". Not once did he encourage, uplift, or praise Jesus for the work of AOCI which seeks to "UNITE" rather than to "DIVIDE". Unfortunetly for him, scripture says that if anyone destroys the body of Christ (Temple), God will destroy him! (1 Cor. 3:17). Here the scripture declares destroying my divisions, factions, etc. I don't know what Bible school he went to but it seems to me he needs to go back. (I know, I can be a bit coy or sarcastic sometimes..lol) God's Blessings to you, your family, and your ministry. Thank you for your kind comments.
Comment by Michael Shanlian Ph.D. on May 24, 2010 at 5:20pm
Thanks Dr.Henry,
It sounds like this dear brother has forgotten that the "fruits of the Spirit" are evidence that someone is filled with the Spirit. Tongues are a gift that God distributes just like any other. In my opinion it should not be used as a litmus test for Spirituality. In fact Paul wrote more about the misuse of tongues than any other gift.

Thank you for intellectual honesty and not using secondary doctrines to divide the body.

God bless you and keep up the good work
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on May 24, 2010 at 4:38pm
Dr. Shanlian, you are so right about this. Just recently I experienced this (in fact yesterday). I went to visit a Pentecostal denomination and met the Pastor. As I began to explain what AOCI was about he stated that I was not preaching "the whole councel of God" because I did not make it a requirement for others to believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Though I believe and preach this doctrin it is not something to divine on with other denominational and ministerial associations. I could tell you more but will save some for the conference...LOL...bottom line is that I saw what I call "PENTECOSTAL PRIDE". As a Pentecostal preacher I am ashamed that this doctrine is often used to divide with other members of the body of Christ. Further, this doctrine is under the "NON ESSENTIALS" and does NOT QUALIFY as an essential Christian doctrine that will keep you from heaven nor being born again. Actually, the Bible calls this pastor immature or "a babe in Christ". His pride in the Assemblies of God is even sickening to me. Needless to say, I don't think he will do well as a member of the AOCI! LOL!!!!! The way that he positioned it sounded even cultic and does violence to Ps. 133:1.

I thank you for this article and know that I have many baptist, presbyterians, methodist and every other orthodox denomination clergy members as friends and truly love them in Christ. As the reformers say, In essentials unity, in non essentials liberty, but in all things charity!!!!!!

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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.

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