"Uniting Christian & Jewish Clergy from Around the World"
De nuevo un poco, y me veréis
Por Rev. Dr. Felix Colon Ph.
¿Cuánto tiempo transcurrirá todavía hasta el momento en que veamos la faz…
ContinueAdded by Rev. Dr. Felix Jose Colon Ph.D on April 11, 2010 at 7:07am — No Comments
La Plenitud De Su Presencia
Por el Rev. Dr. Felix Colon Ph. D
Al hablar de la presencia de Dios, estamos tratando con la plenitud de la gloria de Dios. La…
ContinueAdded by Rev. Dr. Felix Jose Colon Ph.D on April 11, 2010 at 7:03am — No Comments
Cuando los problemas nos benefician
Por el Rev. Dr. Felix Colon Ph. D
Las dificultades son una oportunidad de crecimiento y aprendizaje. Todo tiene…
ContinueAdded by Rev. Dr. Felix Jose Colon Ph.D on April 11, 2010 at 7:00am — No Comments
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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.
We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.
© 2024 Created by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI. Powered by